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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Phosphorus P 15 Reactive nonmetal the Greek phoosphoros, 'carrying light' 15 3 30.97 0.00 1.82 317.30 550.00 0.77 2.19 1050.00
Manganese Mn 25 Transition metal corrupted from magnesia negra, see Magnesium 7 4 54.94 0.00 7.44 1519.00 2334.00 0.48 1.55 950.00
Fluorine F 9 Reactive nonmetal the Latin fluere, 'to flow' 17 2 19.00 0.00 0.00 53.53 85.03 0.82 3.98 585.00
Barium Ba 56 Alkaline earth metal the Greek barys, 'heavy' 2 6 137.33 0.01 3.59 1000.00 2170.00 0.20 0.89 425.00
Strontium Sr 38 Alkaline earth metal Strontian, a small town in Scotland 2 5 87.62 0.01 2.64 1050.00 1655.00 0.30 0.95 370.00
Sulfur S 16 Reactive nonmetal the Latin sulphur, 'fire and brimstone' 16 3 32.06 2.07 388.36 717.87 0.71 2.58 350.00
Carbon C 6 Reactive nonmetal the Latin carbo, 'coal' 14 2 12.01 0.00 2.27 3800.00 4300.00 0.71 2.55 200.00
Zirconium Zr 40 Transition metal Persian Zargun, 'gold-colored'; German Zirkoon, 'jargoon' 4 5 91.22 0.00 6.51 2128.00 4682.00 0.28 1.33 165.00
Chlorine Cl 17 Reactive nonmetal the Greek chloros, 'greenish yellow' 17 3 35.45 0.00 171.60 239.11 0.48 3.16 145.00
Vanadium V 23 Transition metal Vanadis, an Old Norse name for the Scandinavian goddess Freyja 5 4 50.94 0.00 6.11 2183.00 3680.00 0.49 1.63 120.00