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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Rutherfordium Rf 104 Transition metal Ernest Rutherford, chemist and physicist 4 7 -23.20 -2400.00 -5800.00 0.00
Hassium Hs 108 Transition metal Hesse, Germany, where the element was first synthesized 8 7 -40.70 0.00
Bohrium Bh 107 Transition metal Niels Bohr, physicist 7 7 -37.10 0.00
Seaborgium Sg 106 Transition metal Glenn T. Seaborg, scientist 6 7 -35.00 0.00
Dubnium Db 105 Transition metal Dubna, Russia 5 7 -29.30 0.00
Helium He 2 Noble gas the Greek helios, 'sun' 18 1 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.22 5.19 0.01
Argon Ar 18 Noble gas the Greek argos, 'idle' 18 3 39.95 0.00 0.00 83.80 87.30 0.52 3.50
Neon Ne 10 Noble gas the Greek neos, meaning 'new' 18 2 20.18 0.00 0.00 24.56 27.07 1.03 0.01
Francium Fr 87 Alkali metal Francia, the New Latin name for France 1 7 1.87 300.00 950.00 0.70 0.00
Caesium Cs 55 Alkali metal the Latin caesius, 'sky blue' 1 6 132.91 0.00 1.87 301.59 944.00 0.24 0.79 3.00