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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Niobium Nb 41 Transition metal Niobe, daughter of king Tantalus from Greek mythology 5 5 92.91 0.00 8.57 2750.00 5017.00 0.27 1.60 20.00
Molybdenum Mo 42 Transition metal the Greek molybdos meaning 'lead' 6 5 95.95 0.01 10.22 2896.00 4912.00 0.25 2.16 1.20
Technetium Tc 43 Transition metal the Greek tekhnètos meaning 'artificial' 7 5 11.50 2430.00 4538.00 1.90 0.00
Ruthenium Ru 44 Transition metal Ruthenia, the New Latin name for Russia 8 5 101.07 0.02 12.37 2607.00 4423.00 0.24 2.20 0.00
Rhodium Rh 45 Transition metal the Greek rhodos, meaning 'rose coloured' 9 5 102.91 0.00 12.41 2237.00 3968.00 0.24 2.28 0.00
Palladium Pd 46 Transition metal the then recently discovered asteroid Pallas, considered a planet at the time 10 5 106.42 0.01 12.02 1828.05 3236.00 0.24 2.20 0.02
Silver Ag 47 Transition metal English word (argentum in Latin) 11 5 107.87 0.00 10.50 1234.93 2435.00 0.24 1.93 0.08
Cadmium Cd 48 Post-​transition metal the New Latin cadmia, from King Kadmos 12 5 112.41 0.00 8.69 594.22 1040.00 0.23 1.69 0.16
Indium In 49 Post-​transition metal indigo 13 5 114.82 0.00 7.31 429.75 2345.00 0.23 1.78 0.25
Tin Sn 50 Post-​transition metal English word (stannum in Latin) 14 5 118.71 0.01 7.29 505.08 2875.00 0.23 1.96 2.30