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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Thallium Tl 81 Post-​transition metal the Greek thallos, 'green twig' 13 6 204.38 11.85 577.00 1746.00 0.13 1.62 0.85
Lead Pb 82 Post-​transition metal English word (plumbum in Latin) 14 6 207.20 0.10 11.34 600.61 2022.00 0.13 1.87 14.00
Iridium Ir 77 Transition metal Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow 9 6 192.22 0.00 22.56 2719.00 4701.00 0.13 2.20 0.00
Platinum Pt 78 Transition metal the Spanish platina, meaning 'little silver' 10 6 195.08 0.01 21.46 2041.40 4098.00 0.13 2.28 0.01
Gold Au 79 Transition metal English word (aurum in Latin) 11 6 196.97 0.00 19.28 1337.33 3129.00 0.13 2.54 0.00
Tantalum Ta 73 Transition metal King Tantalus, father of Niobe from Greek mythology 5 6 180.95 0.00 16.65 3290.00 5731.00 0.14 1.50 2.00
Hafnium Hf 72 Transition metal Hafnia, the New Latin name for Copenhagen 4 6 178.49 0.02 13.31 2506.00 4876.00 0.14 1.30 3.00
Neodymium Nd 60 Lan­thanide the Greek neos didymos meaning 'new twin' 6 144.24 0.00 7.01 1297.00 3347.00 0.19 1.14 41.50
Promethium Pm 61 Lan­thanide Prometheus of Greek mythology who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humans 6 7.26 1315.00 3273.00 1.13 0.00
Terbium Tb 65 Lan­thanide Ytterby, Sweden 6 158.93 0.00 8.23 1629.00 3503.00 0.18 1.20 1.20