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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Thorium Th 90 Actinide Thor, the Scandinavian god of thunder 7 232.04 0.00 11.72 2115.00 5061.00 0.11 1.30 9.60
Nobelium No 102 Actinide Alfred Nobel, chemist, engineer, inventor of dynamite 7 -9.90 -1100.00 1.30 0.00
Mendelevium Md 101 Actinide Dmitri Mendeleev, chemist and inventor 7 -10.30 -1100.00 1.30 0.00
Fermium Fm 100 Actinide Enrico Fermi, physicist 7 -9.70 -1125.00 1.30 0.00
Einsteinium Es 99 Actinide Albert Einstein, physicist 7 8.84 1133.00 -1269.00 1.30 0.00
Berkelium Bk 97 Actinide Berkeley, California, where the element was first synthesized, by analogy with terbium 7 14.79 1259.00 2900.00 1.30 0.00
Hafnium Hf 72 Transition metal Hafnia, the New Latin name for Copenhagen 4 6 178.49 0.02 13.31 2506.00 4876.00 0.14 1.30 3.00
Magnesium Mg 12 Alkaline earth metal Magnesia, a district of Eastern Thessaly in Greece 2 3 24.31 0.00 1.74 923.00 1363.00 1.02 1.31 23300.00
Zirconium Zr 40 Transition metal Persian Zargun, 'gold-colored'; German Zirkoon, 'jargoon' 4 5 91.22 0.00 6.51 2128.00 4682.00 0.28 1.33 165.00
Neptunium Np 93 Actinide Neptune, the eighth planet in the Solar System 7 20.45 917.00 4273.00 1.36 0.00