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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Cobalt Co 27 Transition metal the German word Kobold, 'goblin' 9 4 58.93 0.00 8.86 1768.00 3200.00 0.42 1.88 25.00
Meitnerium Mt 109 Unknown chemical properties Lise Meitner, physicist 9 7 -37.40 0.00
Rhodium Rh 45 Transition metal the Greek rhodos, meaning 'rose coloured' 9 5 102.91 0.00 12.41 2237.00 3968.00 0.24 2.28 0.00
Osmium Os 76 Transition metal the Greek osmè, meaning 'smell' 8 6 190.23 0.03 22.61 3306.00 5285.00 0.13 2.20 0.00
Ruthenium Ru 44 Transition metal Ruthenia, the New Latin name for Russia 8 5 101.07 0.02 12.37 2607.00 4423.00 0.24 2.20 0.00
Iron Fe 26 Transition metal English word (ferrum in Latin) 8 4 55.85 0.00 7.87 1811.00 3134.00 0.45 1.83 56300.00
Hassium Hs 108 Transition metal Hesse, Germany, where the element was first synthesized 8 7 -40.70 0.00
Bohrium Bh 107 Transition metal Niels Bohr, physicist 7 7 -37.10 0.00
Manganese Mn 25 Transition metal corrupted from magnesia negra, see Magnesium 7 4 54.94 0.00 7.44 1519.00 2334.00 0.48 1.55 950.00
Rhenium Re 75 Transition metal Rhenus, the Latin name for the river Rhine 7 6 186.21 0.00 21.02 3459.00 5869.00 0.14 1.90 0.00