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Element Symbol AtomicNumber ChemicalPropertyId OriginOfName Group Period AtomicWeight AtomicWeightUncertainty Density MeltingPoint BoilingPoint HeatCapacity Electronegativity AbundanceInEarthsCrust
Praseodymium Pr 59 Lan­thanide the Greek praseios didymos meaning 'green twin' 6 140.91 0.00 6.77 1208.00 3793.00 0.19 1.13 9.20
Lanthanum La 57 Lan­thanide the Greek lanthanein, 'to lie hidden' 3 6 138.91 0.00 6.15 1193.00 3737.00 0.20 1.10 39.00
Samarium Sm 62 Lan­thanide Samarskite, the name of the mineral from which it was first isolated 6 150.36 0.02 7.52 1345.00 2067.00 0.20 1.17 7.05
Tellurium Te 52 Metalloid Latin tellus, 'earth' 16 5 127.60 0.03 6.23 722.66 1261.00 0.20 2.10 0.00
Barium Ba 56 Alkaline earth metal the Greek barys, 'heavy' 2 6 137.33 0.01 3.59 1000.00 2170.00 0.20 0.89 425.00
Antimony Sb 51 Metalloid uncertain: perhaps from the Greek anti, 'against', and monos, 'alone', or the Old French antimoine, 'Monk's bane' (stibium in Latin) 15 5 121.76 0.00 6.69 903.78 1860.00 0.21 2.05 0.20
Iodine I 53 Reactive nonmetal French iode (after the Greek ioeides, 'violet') 17 5 126.90 0.00 4.93 386.85 457.40 0.21 2.66 0.45
Tin Sn 50 Post-​transition metal English word (stannum in Latin) 14 5 118.71 0.01 7.29 505.08 2875.00 0.23 1.96 2.30
Cadmium Cd 48 Post-​transition metal the New Latin cadmia, from King Kadmos 12 5 112.41 0.00 8.69 594.22 1040.00 0.23 1.69 0.16
Indium In 49 Post-​transition metal indigo 13 5 114.82 0.00 7.31 429.75 2345.00 0.23 1.78 0.25